Sunday, September 28, 2014

Blog #3

In chapter 23 of I know why the caged bird sings, by Maya Angelou  she talked about her emotions of her self as she was graduating the eighth grade. I knew that back then not many people were graduating through school but i didn't know that they made such a big deal about it by giving presents for just graduating the eighth grade. Through out the whole chapter you can tell she was proud of her self and should it knowing she was graduating but at the last minute she is hit by her nervousness as she thinks all these terrible things that could happen to her. As a superintendent came her worries had actually happened as the talker only looked at every one once and pretty much told them that they will nowhere in their life unless they could become a athlete. In the superintendent speech you are able to tell he does not wish to be their as he wouldnt look at them as they were African Americans.